Cavities can be painful, unsightly and expensive to treat.
Preventing tooth decay and keeping the cavity creeps away should be high on
your list of priorities. At Bertagnolli Dental in Westminster, we treat
numerous patients every month for cavities and other issues related to tooth
decay. Many of our patients feel like kicking themselves when they realize how
easy it is to prevent tooth decay in the first place. Keep reading to find out
how to avoid the discomfort and inconvenience of cavities in your teeth.
Cavities occur when the outer layer of enamel on your tooth
gets eaten away by bacteria that feed on sugar. This usually presents as a hole
in the tooth, often on the chewing surface of molars or on the inner surface of
your teeth. The bacteria can dissolve the hard enamel and the layer of dentin
beneath it. If the decay reaches beyond this layer, you will be left with
exposed nerve endings that can cause considerable pain. Many people don't realize
they have a cavity until they feel this pain.
The easiest way to prevent tooth decay is to pay attention
to your eating habits and make sure you have a good dental hygiene routine.
Some people are more susceptible to cavities than others. If you have thin
enamel or have already suffered from one or more cavities, be extra cautious.
Bacteria on your teeth feed on sugar and produce an acid
that dissolves your enamel. To keep your teeth strong and healthy, it is best
not to allow sugar or acid sit on the surface of your teeth for too long. This
means brushing your teeth regularly, at least once in the morning and once at
night. If you are eating sweet or sticky foods, eat them in one sitting and
brush your teeth afterward. Do not snack on sweets throughout the day.
In addition to brushing your teeth, also remove the food
particles that get stuck between your teeth each day. This can be done with
floss or interdental cleaners. Removing food particles is particularly
important, as carbohydrates that remain in the crevices between teeth will
provide a welcome place for bacteria to thrive and cause damage where you
cannot easily see it. If you are unsure how to clean your teeth correctly using
these tools, your dentist or hygienist can help you.
According to the AmericanDental Association, regular exposure to fluoride keeps your enamel strong
and helps prevent decay. Use fluoridated toothpaste, a mouthwash containing
fluoride, and drink fluoridated water. Check with your dentist about the
appropriate amount of supplemental fluoride for children.
Yes, preventing tooth decay and keeping the cavity creeps
away is that easy. And don’t forget regular visits to Bertagnolli Dental in
Westminster for oral exams and professional cleanings. Of course, if you find
yourself with tooth decay, cavities or any other issues, we offer affordable
and permanent solutions to restore your health and your smile. Get in touch for
an appointment or to learn more about dental seals and restorative dental
services such as fillings and crowns.